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Relational Wellness Wheel

Melissa created this “Relational Wellness Wheel” in 2011 to demonstrate how your relationship is at the core of your wellness.  All areas of your personal wellness interact with your relationship. See descriptions of each wellness area below.

She has also created a goals sheet based on this wellness wheel. If you would like a free copy of Wellness Goals sent to you right now, and subscribe to our "Achieving Wellness" newsletter, please enter your email here. We will not share your email with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Financial wellness

Financial wellness includes money management and being satisfied with your income.  Are you in debt?  If so, Financial wellness means having a plan to reach your financial goals.  Financial wellness also includes defining who takes care of what in your relationship- for example who takes on the role of paying the bills.  It is extremely important for you to be honest with yourself and each other in terms of what your debts, assets and typical spending style is.

Spiritual wellness

Spiritual wellness involves a personal level of peace and an understanding that there is a higher power that is in control.  At this moment, you may not understand why certain things are happening in your life.  However, if you have faith, then you know that there is a bigger plan involved.  What is your purpose in life, and how does your significant other play a part in it?  Spiritual wellness also reflects what your personal spiritual aims are.  If it is your goal to attend church every Sunday or to pray several times daily or to go on a meditation retreat annually, Spiritual wellness means achieving this.

Physical wellness

Physical wellness indicates your level of health.  Do you have any physical ailments or are you generally healthy?  Are you very active and involved in sports or recreational activities?  Do you watch what you eat?  How does your health or your partner’s health interact with you relationship?  For example, if you are distressed in your relationship, does this trigger you to overeat?  Does your overeating cause your partner to become upset with you?  You can see how this cycle of behaviour can become a frustrating pattern that can feel very difficult to get out of.

Emotional wellness

Emotional wellness entails how well you can balance your range of feelings.  It is perfectly normal to feel angry, sad, confused, frustrated or worried in certain situations.  However, if these feelings become overwhelming and consuming, it is very important to address this and learn ways of managing it.  If not, then these feelings can greatly impact your relationship.  

Social wellness

Social wellness is your level of contentment with all of your interpersonal relationships.  How close are you with your family and friends?  How frequently do you get together with them?  Are you and your partner both satisfied with this closeness and frequency?  If not, how can you regain some balance?

Vocational wellness

Vocational wellness involves your level of satisfaction with your career and personal growth.  Do you have goals for your professional development?  Is your partner supportive of these goals?  Are you able to manage the stress of your career?  Is your work life negatively impacting your relationship?  Or is conflict at home negatively impacting your job?   

Sexual wellness

Sexual wellness is not only how satisfied you are sexually or how frequently you have sexual relations.  It is much more than that.  It is how close you are physically and emotionally.  It is how much romance you have in your relationship.  It is how much fun you have together.  Do you play together and laugh together?  All of this together encompasses Sexual wellness.

Environmental wellness

Environmental wellness involves your home environment, your work environment, your neighbourhood, your city, your province and your country.  Is your home physically comfortable to live in?  Are you happy with it?  Is there anything about it that you want to change?  Does your partner want to have the same changes?  How do you feel about your work environment, do you feel safe?  Does the area that you live in put many demands on you and your family?  If so, how do you manage this?

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