Thrive In My Life Podcast!

Podcast Interview/ Blog Post March 28, 2016 Sperry Bilyea, from the Thrive In My Life Podcast, saw my profile in Etobicoke’s Women of Merit magazine, and asked me to be a guest on her podcast. We also met before that time at a networking meeting called Happy Healthy Women, where I am involved as a trailblazer.  Sperry also has a Thrive Summit coming on April 4th which looks really interesting: Sperry and I will be doing our podcast interview later today, and I thought I would write this blog to help me prepare for it! Here are her questions and how I plan to answer them: 1. What is one of your favourite go to metrics you use to measure success goals? I have to admit that I am biased in loving “My Personal Monthly Wellness Goals” sheet. I use it to track my own personal wellness goals in all eight areas of wellness, and I also use it with participants at my monthly wellness workshops. The eight wellness areas according to my Relational Wellness Wheel are: Physical, Emotional, Social, Vocational, Sexual, Environmental, Financial and Spiritual. With this metric, you create a goal in each area of wellness and then tasks for how you will achieve each goal. Each month, you then review your progress and create new monthly goals.  Join us at our monthly workshops so that you can use the monthly wellness goals sheet with us! 2. How many hours of sleep per night? Sleep is very important. We spoke about that at our February wellness workshop that was on Physical Wellness. Getting sufficient sleep - between six to eight hours- is associated with better outcomes physically and emotionally. I try to go to bed between 10pm and 11pm, and get up at about 6am. 3. What book or favourite app would you recommend to others? In my counselling work with couples, I often recommend two books over and over again. Those are: The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman and Hold Me Tight, by Dr. Sue Johnson The 5 Love Languages helps couples understand that how they express love may not be how their partner best perceives love. For example, if a husband sends flowers to his wife as a gesture of love, it might feel nice for her, but if her love language is Quality Time and not Receiving Gifts, then she would likely feel more loved if he were to arrange a weekend getaway together. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Johnson talks about how to identify negative cycles in the relationship and how to take a step back to stop the cycle from continuing. In terms of an app, I just became an approved video therapist with TranQool. Although meeting in person is always better, this on-line counselling is helpful to those who may have difficulty getting to a therapist’s office. TranQool has a useful mood tracker tool called the “Daily Emotional Tracker” (DET). That is helpful for the client and therapist to better understand where the person’s mood falls and see any patterns that may emerge. 4. Is there a leader, CEO or person that you are following right now on a regular basis? I love Brene Brown. I have all her books- Daring Greatly, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. I love how she encourages us to be authentic and genuine, and how it is a strength to be vulnerable. Those are important messages, and ones I greatly believe in. I follow her on Facebook and often like and share her meme’s. I also enjoy following The Happy Wives Club on Facebook. They often have encouraging and heartwarming meme’s that remind me to appreciate my husband every day. 5. Is there a project, charity or community you are passionate about? Yes, the monthly wellness workshops that I’m running right now is raising money for Holiday Helpers. It is a charity that helps families in need in the GTA at Christmas-time, with food, a Christmas tree, winter wear and gifts. It is a great organization that grows bigger and bigger every year. They are in their 20th year now. I also enjoy volunteering at a retirement home with my dog, Gilli. She is a therapy dog with St. John Ambulance, and we have been going to the same retirement home for four years. I often have Gilli with me at my office too, and the clients love having her there. She knows when they are upset and she makes them feel better. Bonus Tip:  What is one tip you would give your audience to thrive? Aim at achieving balance in life in all areas of wellness- Physical, Emotional, Social, Vocational, Sexual, Environmental, Financial and Spiritual. That doesn’t mean being perfect in all areas, but it means being mindful and aware when there is an imbalance, so that you can take steps to regain that balance.  I offer monthly wellness workshops, where each month has a special focus on one area of wellness with speakers, small group activities and an opportunity to review and write out your personal monthly goals.  Feel free to check out my events page to see when the next workshop is coming!